Sunday, September 14, 2008

From a Mother's Heart...

As some of you know, with a saddened heart, I'm going back to work tomorrow. The last 8 weeks have been some of my most fondest memories and times. I love my children so much and will miss them whole heartingly.

Why is it that this world has gone to a state where we have to be a two person income just to make it? Where did the value of having a family go too? To having a mother be at home with her children? To giving jobs and the means for husbands to make enough in this world to support their families so the mothers can be home with the children. For the mothers to be home, sharing those moments and bring them up with good morals and values. To instilling the word of God in their hearts. Showing them how to do everything.. from taking their first bites, to walking, to talking... and much much more! My heart grieves for this loss. The loss that I will miss some of these moments. I know that I need to go back to work, for financial reasons but my heart is at home with my babies. Where I should be.

Please pray for us tomorrow. Pray for my children. I know they are in wonderful hands with my parents, who love them as much as I do.... but it can not replace my love for them... or that I should be there. I am greatful for my parents, for the sacrifice they have made over the years to be there for them. To teach them and love them, like no other childcare could or would. Pray for my children, that they would have a easy transition into mommy not being there when they wake up in the morning.... and spending all day with them. Pray that they will one day understand why. Please pray as well for me, as I do go back to work. That it's the right decision...that it's God's will. I trust in His will, even though I don't understand it. That if He truly meant for me to be at home, that He would provide a means for this. Pray for my heart, as it hurts. Pray that I can do my job with the best of my ability. That I don't grow bitter in this decision. Please also pray for my he goes to work and is trying to make a better living and do his best for his family. Pray that he does not grow bitter as well, cause he can not provide for all our needs as he wishes... Only our Savior can provide for our needs. He IS the provider. Please lift our whole family up in the coming days, as we carry on in life and return to our normal routine and dream of the weekends, when we can be home with each other as a family all day.

God's Blessings,


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